While our staff work remotely, please use the links below for support:
Access our Live Help Kiosk
Connect with our staff via Zoom to get live answers to your questions and direct you to the best resources. Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Make an Appointment
Our engineering education staff are available for scheduled video consultations covering manufacturing, prototyping, arduino and more.
Fabrication Requests
Working on a project? We're here to help. Please use the link below to explore laser cutting, 3D printing, PCB, and manufacturing fabrication options.
The Integrated Teaching and Learning (ITL) Program at the University of Colorado Boulder is a nationally recognized award-winning engineering education leader. The ITL Program supports hands-on engineering learning through an innovated environment where students integrate engineering theory with practice and learn through doing. Program components include a first-year design course, sophomore- and junior-level experimental hands-on learning courses, senior design projects and design expos.
Upcoming Skill Building Workshops
Upcoming Skill Building Workshops
Feedback and Reporting Problems
We want to hear from you! Drop us a line and let us know how the ITL Program is doing: itlp@colorado.edu
Experiencing a Problem?
Are you experiencing technical difficulties with ITL Program equipment, computers, or software? Report your issue to IT.